Primary Schools Competition
Draw and Results 2019


Submission of Results

Submit your results by clicking on the link below (a userid and password are required these have been sent to each school's chess coordinator).


Online Scoring System


The online scoring system has been developed for us
by the Sydney Academy of Chess.

Draw and Results

To access the draw and/or results click on one of the following:




Information and Resources

Click on the following:

 How to Read the Draw

Rationale behind the Draw

School Contact Details
(includes school addresses)

Scorers (for each zone)

Result Sheet (2 per page)

Adjudication Form

More Resources


Some servers retain a "memory" of pages that you (or others) have opened before. You may need to click on the "Refresh" button to activate the latest version!


(The most recent messages are at the top.)

[8 May]:  Changes have been made to the draws for Strathfield, Central Coast and Upper North Shore Zones.

[7 May]:  Changes have been made to the draw for Sutherland Zone.

[6 May]:  Changes have been made to the draw for St George Zone.

[5 May]:  Changes have been made to the draws for Inner-West, Sutherland, Lower North Shore and Wagga Wagga Zones.

[31 April]:  The competition material (booklets, etc.) has been posted to all schools in the zones which are run in weekly home-and-away format. The competition material for the other zones (those run in one-day format) will be posted once the dates for these zone competitions have been scheduled.

[28 April]:  All draws are now available, except those for the Hunter Region (which will be available soon) and the zones to be run in one-day (rather than weekly) format (these will be provided shortly before the day, when scheduled).

[27 April]:  The draws for all zones in Met East and Met North Regions are now available. Note that due to additional schools in the St George area the previous St George-Sutherland Zone has been split into two zones.

The draws for other regions will be added progressively over the next few days. Please do not phone the Primary Schools Coordinator to inquire when your draw will be available – he is working day and night preparing the draws and any interruptions could cause delays. The competition material (booklets, etc.) will be posted this week.