
 Membership Forms

 Click on one of
the following:

Online Form 2025

(to join online and pay by internet banking)

Printable Form 2025

(for downloading to post with cheque).

However, if you
are also entering tournaments, we suggest you use
the combined membership and entry form, which may be found under Coming Events
(see main menu on the Home Page).

Participants in most of the NSW Junior Chess League's holiday events (tournaments and coaching clinics) must be members of the League. (Players in the inter-schools competitions do not need to be members, but are welcome to join.) Members receive the League's quarterly magazine Junior Chess, which contains details of the League's activities it includes notification of coming events, tournament results, hints and tips, problems to test and expand your skill, games with helpful commentary, etc. Membership categories are as follows:

Membership: Available for players under the age of 18. (Adults above this age are not eligible to play in the League's tournaments but may join as Associate Members see below.)

Family Membership: Family membership is available for multiple children in the same family (brothers and sisters residing at the same address) - they receive one copy of each magazine.

Country Membership: A cheaper Country rate is available for members residing outside Sydney in recognition of the greater difficulty they have in participating in the League's tournaments, most of which are held in Sydney. For the purposes of Country Membership, Sydney is defined as the County of Cumberland, which is the area bounded by the Pacific Ocean in the east, the Hawkesbury River in the north, its tributary the Nepean River in the west, then (moving further upstream to the south) the Cataract River, the Cataract Dam, the Cataract Creek, and finally a diagonal line to the coast near Bulli Point.

Associate Membership: Adults (aged 18 or over), clubs and libraries may join as Associate Members to receive our magazine and invitations for our activities.

Introductory Membership: First-time players may choose to join as Introductory Members. The cheaper Introductory Membership fee entitles them to participate in one event (tournament or coaching clinic) before upgrading to full membership (the fee for that event needs to be paid as well). Introductory Members receive only one subsequent magazine.

Membership Year: Membership is for the calendar year (January to December). Reduced rates are applicable for new members joining late in the year .

Adult Tournaments: Full members of the League (not Associate or Introductory Members) may participate in NSW Chess Association tournaments without joining that association.

Membership Rates:

Membership Categories
Full Year Fees
New from May*
New from August*
Membership (individual)
Family Membership
Country Membership
Country Family Membership
Associate Membership

Overseas Membership

$54 $42 $30

Overseas Family Membership

$60 $48 $36
Introductory Membership
Introductory Family Membership

*  The discounted fees for new members joining late in the year are for that year's membership, ending in December. The full year's fee is applicable for renewals, even if rejoining late in the year.