Membership Application/Renewal Form 2025

This form cannot be submitted directly. Instead, please email it to us by  the following simple steps:
   (1)  Select and copy the form (Ctrl-A then Ctrl-C).
   (2)  Create an email by clicking on
          (make sure the email is in HTML format, not plain text).

   (3)  Paste the form into the body of the email (Ctrl-V)
          (if the form is no longer in tabular format or there is no colour your email is probably
          in plain text format go back to step (2) above).

   (4)  Fill in the relevant parts of the form, then send it.
Payment can be made by internet banking or direct deposit (the banking details are shown below).

Family Name


     Given Name


Sex (M/F)


Date of Birth




Additional Family Members (brothers and sisters for family membership)

     Given Name


Sex (M/F)


Date of Birth




     Given Name


Sex (M/F)


Date of Birth




     Given Name


Sex (M/F)


Date of Birth












Mobile (or parent's contact phone during tournaments)


Email Address


Membership Fee


Membership Fees 

and annual

New from

New from

Memberships last until 31 December.
Renewals are due in January each year.

Family Membership

Country Membership
Country Family Membership
Associate Membership

Overseas Membership
Overseas Family Membership













      * The discounted  fees for new members joining late in the year
          are for that year's membership, ending in December.



We endeavour to keep our fees as low as possible.
Your donation would be greatly appreciated.


Total paid (or to be paid)


Payment Options

(1)  Internet banking (or direct deposit at any branch of the Commonwealth Bank)
Pay to:  BSB:  062 028   (Commonwealth Bank, Town Hall branch)

                 Account Number:  00904158   (NSW Junior Chess League)

        It is important that you include a transaction description with the payment to enable us to identify it –  we suggest

        that this be the player's name (surname and given name or initials).  Note that long descriptions will be truncated

        (how much depends on the bank – it can be to as little as 14 characters).

        For example,  JOHN SMITH or CHEN X AND Y

Transaction description to be included with your payment


(2)  Cheque

        Make payable to NSW Junior Chess League

Date posted


        Please write family and given names on reverse of cheque and post to
        NSW Junior Chess League, 2 Northcote Avenue, Killara NSW 2071

Comments/questions (optional)



Please check carefully before sending
No confirmation is sent – our first communication will be the next issue of our magazine.