Membership of the NSW Junior Chess League (NSWJCL) is required for the holiday events (Coaching Clinic and Tournaments).
Membership of the NSWJCL, available to juniors under 18 years of age, entitles them to participate in our tournaments and coaching clinics, and to receive the quarterly magazine Junior Chess, the League’s official journal, which gives details about our activities, tournament results, ratings, hints and tips, problems to test and expand your skill, games with helpful commentary, etc.
Membership categories are: Membership (individual), Family Membership (more than one child in the same family – brothers and sisters at the same address – one copy of each magazine), Country Membership (for members residing outside the Sydney metropolitan area [County of Cumberland – for definition click on Membership]), Country Family Membership, Associate Membership (members aged 18 or over, libraries, etc.), Introductory Membership (for first-time players, entitling them to try out one event and receive one subsequent magazine), and Introductory Family Membership. (Introductory members wishing to participate in a second event will need to upgrade to full membership by paying the difference.)
Membership is for the calendar year (January to December). Reduced fees apply for new members (not renewals) joining later in the year – as set out below.
For online membership application/renewal and tournament entry form click HERE.
For printable membership and entry form click HERE.
Fees for 2018
Renewal New from New from Introductory
& Annual May August (trial – one event)
Membership $24 $20 $16
Family Membership $30 $26 $22
Country Membership $16 $13 $10
Country Family Membership $20 $17 $14
Associate Membership $20 $17 $14
Introductory Membership $10
Introductory Family Membership $12
Tournaments and Coaching
Entry Fee
Coaching Clinic
First child in family $40
Each additional child $30
Spring Fun Tournaments
One-Day Tournament $20
Two-Day Tournament $35
NSW Girls Championships
Under 18 or Under 12 $35
Lightning (payable on the day) $2
City of Sydney Junior Championships
Under 18, Under 15 or Under 12 $45
Lightning (payable on the day) $2
Late Fees
Late entries cause late starts. To encourage you to enter (and pay) before the event, we charge late fees. A late payment fee ($10 per family) is charged for entries received but not paid by the entry deadline. A late entry fee ($20 per family) is charged for entries neither received nor paid by the entry deadline. Please enter (and pay) beforehand. To avoid delaying the start for others, tournament entries not received in time will be processed after play starts and late entrants will miss the first round. Players who arrive late (even if they have entered beforehand) may also miss the first round.
PLEASE NOTE: Because late entries and late payments have been delaying the start of our events we have been forced to strictly enforce entry deadlines and late fees.