Text Box: HUNTER REGION  2023

Queries to aw43@bigpond.com
In each zone the draw shown is for a complete round robin between teams.
In some cases there is insufficient time to play all of those rounds.
In these cases a procedure will be followed to ensure that the leading teams in each round play each other.
It follows that the order in which the rounds are played will change. 
In zones with mixed grades it is likely that the final round on the day (not yet shown in the draw) could include a return match (on opposite colours) for the top teams in each grade (instead of a round from the draw shown).
Text Box: FIND YOUR ZONE: Below this page you will see some small "tabs"; by clicking on these you will open each "sheet" of the draw. Each zone is listed on one sheet. 
Western Lake Macquarie -  A (Knights+Kings); B (Rookies)   Completed
Charlestown -  C  (Knights+Rookies)    Completed
Adamstown - D (Knights); E (Rookies)  Completed
Waratah - F (Knights); G (Rookies)   Completed
Broadmeadow 1 - H (Knights); I (Rookies)    Completed 
Broadmeadow 2 - J (Knights); K (Rookies)    Completed
Maitland ("Middle Earth") - L (Knights); M (Rookies)   Completed
FIND YOUR TEAMS : If you have difficulty finding your teams in the list, you can click on a blank part of the sheet, then Control-F for find, insert your school name (not the "full version") and then click on "Find next", and your team name should be highlighted. You need to do this separately on each page. (You may find it easier to print the sheet and read from the hard copy.)

TO PRINT THE SHEET: First go to "Page setup" under the File Menu (found on the top tool bar). You must select "A4" and may need to use "Landscape". You may need to select "Print Preview", then adjust margins to include everything and print from there.

CORRECTIONS: Sometimes text that is inserted into frames in these documents "overflows" (and is therefore invisible) when the page is printed. Please let me know (email is good!) if you encounter this - and any other problems or anomolies - so they can be adjusted!
Text Box: WARNING! If you have two or more teams please make sure they play in the correct combination according to the draw.