NSW Junior Chess League    Primary Schools Competition 2023
Finish School
School Address Time Contact Role Phone
Barnier Public School 120 Barnier Drive (Corner Farnham Road), Quakers Hill NSW 2763 2.45pm Mr G Bains Chess Coordinator 9837 1600
Ironbark Ridge Public School 1 Ironbark Ridge Road (cnr Withers Road), Rouse Hill NSW 2155 3.00pm Mr N Thomson The Principal 8814 5687
John Palmer Public School 85 The Ponds Boulevard, The Ponds NSW 2769 Mr T Clifford Chess Coordinator 8882 9480
Marayong Heights Public School 4A Guerie Street, Marayong NSW 2148 3.00pm Miss N Bauer Chess Coordinator 9622 4776
North Kellyville Public School 120-126 Hezlett Road, Kellyville NSW 2155 3.00pm Mr A Southwell Chess Coordinator 8801 1911
Quakers Hill Public School 31 Medlow Drive (corner of Quakers Road), Quakers Hill NSW 2763 3.15pm Mr G Stretton Chess Coordinator 9626 9655
Richard Johnson Anglican School - Oakhurst Campus 93 Hyatts Road, Oakhurst NSW 2761 3.10pm Mr M Reed Chess Coordinator 9677 2455
St John Vianney's Primary School Doonside 17 Cameron Street, Doonside NSW 2767 3.00pm Mrs M Smith Assistant Prinipal 8869 6300
St Michael's Primary School Blacktown South 155 Reservoir Road, Blacktown South NSW 2148 3.10pm Mr W Luckman Chess Coordinator 8869 6200
Wilberforce Public School Macquarie Road, Wilberforce NSW 2756 3.30pm Mr G Wilkins The Principal 4575 1424
Wollemi College 4 Gipps Street, Werrington NSW 2747 3.25pm Mr S Williamson Head of Primary 9651 0369