NSW Junior Chess League    Primary Schools Competition 2022
INTER-REGION FINALS    Draw and Results
Results for the Finals are to be faxed or emailed to the Primary Schools Coordinator:
Richard Gastineau-Hills, email RichardGH@nswjcl.org.au, fax 9499 4131
Please send in your results as soon as possible after each match so that the draw for the next stage of the finals
can be prepared in time to give the schools sufficient notice.
FIND YOUR FINALS:  At the bottom of this page you should see some small tabs; by clicking on these you can display each 
sheet of the finals draw. There are separate sheets for the Metropoolitan Finals, Country Finals and Grand Final.
TO PRINT THE DRAW:  To print any sheet of the draw first go to "Print Setup" (in the File menu located in the top tool bar)  
select "Landscape" and paper size "A4". You can then print using "Print Preview" (in the File menu).