NSW Junior Chess League    Primary Schools Competition 2022
Finish School
School Address Time Contact Role Phone
Australian International Academy - Kellyville Campus 2 Foxall Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155 Ms O Aydemir Chess Coordinator 8801 3100
Ironbark Ridge Public School 1 Ironbark Ridge Road (cnr Withers Road), Rouse Hill NSW 2155 3.00pm Mr N Thomson The Principal 8814 5687
John Palmer Public School 85 The Ponds Boulevard, The Ponds NSW 2769 Ms A Garofano Chess Coordinator 8882 9480
Marayong Heights Public School 4A Guerie Street, Marayong NSW 2148 3.00pm Miss N Bauer Chess Coordinator 9622 4776
Montgrove College 140 Bringelly Road, Orchard Hills NSW 2748 3.00pm Ms M Ciappara Chess Coordinator 4736 5977
North Kellyville Public School 120-126 Hezlett Road, Kellyville NSW 2155 3.00pm Mr A Southwell Chess Coordinator 8801 1911
Richard Johnson Anglican School - Oakhurst Campus 93 Hyatts Road, Oakhurst NSW 2761 3.10pm Mr M Reed Chess Coordinator 9677 2455
Rooty Hill Public School 1-13 Westminster Street, Rooty Hill NSW 2766 2.55pm Ms H Chapple Chess Coordinator 9625 8807
St John Vianney's School Doonside 17 Cameron Street, Doonside NSW 2767 3.00pm Mrs M Smith Assistant Prinipal 8869 6300
St Michael's Primary School Blacktown South 155 Reservoir Road, Blacktown South NSW 2148 3.10pm Mrs E Carrington & Mr W Luckman The PrincipalChess Coordinators 8869 6200
Wilberforce Public School Macquarie Road, Wilberforce NSW 2756 3.30pm Mr G Wilkins The Principal 4575 1424
Wollemi College 4 Gipps Street, Werrington NSW 2747 3.25pm Mr S Williamson Head of Primary 9833 0499