NSW Junior Chess League    Primary Schools Competition 2017
MET NORTH REGION:  RYDE ZONE    Draw and Results
Results for this zone to be posted or emailed to the scorer:
Jin Tan, 1 Binya Street, Pendle Hill NSW 2145, email jining64@gmail.com
You must send in your results immediately after each match. Please help your scorer by filling in the players' names
(given name as well as family name) NEATLY and ensuring that the results are accurate and complete.
FIND YOUR DIVISIONS:  At the bottom of this page you should see some small tabs; by clicking on these you can display each 
sheet of the draw. Each division is shown on one sheet.
FIND YOUR TEAMS:  If a school has multiple teams they are distinguished by letters A, B, C etc.
TO PRINT THE DRAW:  To print any sheet of the draw first go to "Print Setup" (in the File menu located in the top tool bar)  
select "Landscape" and paper size "A4". You can then print using "Print Preview" (in the File menu).