Primary Schools Competition
Draw and Results 201


To access the draw and/or results click on one of the following:




Further information:

 How to Read the Draw

Rationale behind the Draw

School Contact Details
(includes school addresses)

Scorers (for each zone)



Result Card


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(The most recent messages are at the top.)

[24 May]:  The draw for Upper North Shore Divisions UN1 and UN5 have changed.

[20 May]:  The draw for Orange Zone is now available.

[16 May]:  A change has been made to the draw for Armidale Division AR2.

[5 May]:  A change has been made to the draw for Hills Division HD2.

[4 May]:  A change has been made to the draw for St George-Sutherland Division GS3.

[3 May]:  A change has been made to the draw for Upper North Shore Division UN4.

[2 May]:  Changes have been made to the draw for Wagga Wagga Zone (all three divisions).

[30 April]:  Changes have been made to the draws for Inner West Division IW3, Strathfield Division ST2 and Central Coast Division CC3.

[29 April]:  The draws for most zones in country regions are now available. The draws for the remaining country zones (and the two zones in Met South-West Region) will appear shortly, but the competitions in these zones are held on one day rather than weekly and will be scheduled later.

[28 April]:  The draws for all metropolitan regions are now available. The draws for country regions will appear shortly.

[27 April]:  The draws for Met North Region are now available.

[26 April]:  The draws for Met East Region are now available. Draws for other regions will be added progressively over the next few days. Please do not phone the Primary Schools Coordinator to inquire when your draw will be available – he is working day and night preparing the draws and any interruptions could cause delays. The competition material (booklets, result cards, etc.) will be posted today.