Primary Schools Competition
Draw and Results 2012


To access the draw and/or results click on one of the following:




Further information:

 How to Read the Draw

School Contact Details
(includes school addresses)

Scorers (for each zone)



Result Card


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Please check these messages regularly during the course of the competition.
(The most recent messages are at the top.)

[10 May]:  The draw for East Coast Zone has been updated.

[10 May]:  The draw for Cumberland Zone has been updated again.

[9 May]:  The draws for Fairfield Zone, Cumberland Zone and Nepean Zone have been updated.

[9 May]:  If forfeits are unavoidable please advise the opposing school well beforehand so that its players do not travel or wait unnecessarily. However, arranging an alternative time, if possible, is always preferable to forfeiting.

[8 May]:  The draw for Wagga Wagga Zone has been updated.

[7 May]:  The draw for Griffith Zone has been updated.

[4 May]:  The draws for Inner West Zone and Blacktown Zone have been updated.

[3 May]:  The draws for Ryde Zone and Hills Zone have been updated.

[2 May]:  The draw for Hills Zone has been updated again following the withdrawal of another team.

[1 May]:  The draws for the following zones have been updated: East Coast, Strathfield, Wentworth, Lower North Shore, Manly-Warringah, Blue Mountains and Hills.

[30 April]:  Most Country draws are now available (except for some which are organised locally and two for which the start has been deferred).

[29 April]:  The draws for Met West Region are available. All Metropolitan draws are now available.

[29 April]:  The draw for Lower North Shore Zone has been amended with the addition of a team to replace the bye in Division LN5.

[29 April]:  The draw for Upper North Shore Zone has been amended with the addition of the Junior Rookies division which had been inadvertently omitted.

[28 April]:  The remaining Met North draws are now available, as are the draws for Met South-West Region.

[27 April]:  The draws for Central Coast Zone and Lower North Shore Zone, both  in Met North Region, are now available.

[26 April]:  The draws for the Met East Region (all six zones) and the Hunter Region are now available.

[25 April]:  The competition booklets and result cards have been posted to most schools. Work is under way in preparing the draw. The draw for each zone should be added progressively over the next few days. Please monitor this page until your draw is available (Please do not phone the Primary Schools Coordinator to ask when your draw will be available – he is working night and day on the draws and any interruptions will cause further delays!)  The first round for most zones will be on Friday 4 May (the second Friday of term), except in some country zones which are organised locally or where schools arrange to play multiple matches in one day to reduce travel.