Primary Schools
Competition |
Director of Play Richard Gastineau-Hills Phone (02) 9412 4579 Fax (02) 9410 0609 Email RichardGH@bigpond.com
HELP!! Below is information to help you to read the draw for your teams. Please read all of this carefully, and also read the warnings about misreading the draw if you are forewarned of some of the pitfalls, then there are less likely to be mistakes! If you are having difficulty interpreting the draw, you are welcome to contact the Primary Schools Coordinator for assistance. However, before doing so, please read the instructions below most frequently-asked questions are already answered there! Many coordinators reading the draw for the first time are very nervous about whether they have done so correctly. If this is you, please dont hesitate to contact me for confirmation so that you can feel comfortable about the first round! Sometimes changes are made to the draw after it has been published (occasionally teams are forced to withdraw and sometimes extra teams are added to fill byes). If this occurs, the changes will be indicated on the draw and the affected schools will be notified. It is a good idea to make contact with the schools you are playing, at least during the first few rounds, to confirm arrangements. After reading all the instructions below, you may access your zone. HOW TO READ THE DRAW Step 1: Determine your zone. The competition is divided into Regions (based on the Department of Education's former regions Metropolitan East, Metropolitan South-West, South Coast, Riverina etc.), and then subdivided into geographical Zones (named according to local usage or a central suburb name for example, St George or Fairfield). If you are not sure which zone you are in, click on Schools Contact Details, in which schools are grouped within their zones you can easily find your school with Control-F. Step 2: Access your zone draw. First click on Metropolitan or Country on the "Draw and Results" page, then click on your zone. Step 3: Find which division your team is in. Teams within each zone are allocated to divisions, based on grade (Championship, Intermediate, Rookies) and other factors. Each school's teams are ranked A, B, C etc. (where A is the strongest team). Click on the tabs at the bottom of the draw tables to select the different divisions and look for your team(s). Step 4: Read the division's draw. Teams within each division are assigned team numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.) which are used in the pairings listed (at the top) for each round. The first number of any pairing is the number of the home team. As well as indicating the match's location the pairing indicates the match colours the home team has the White pieces on Boards 2 and 4 and the Black pieces on Boards 1 and 3. Step 5: Find the school address and/or contact details. These can be found by clicking on School Contact Details or by looking in the yellow-covered competition booklet. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Please be sure to take particular note where there are special instructions relating to your division. RESULTS must be forwarded to the designated scorer as soon as possible after each match is played. (The name and address of the scorer for your zone are indicated on the first page of your team draw and also in the competition booklet.) Results not received within 7 days after the date set down for the match will be recorded as a forfeit for that match. Results should be sent on the cards provided, and should be completed clearly and correctly. NOTES AND WARNINGS ABOUT READING THE DRAW WARNING! We have quite a number of schools with similar names, e.g. Wyong PS and Wyong Creek PS. Please be very careful when reading the draw you dont want your teams to end up at the wrong school! WARNING! If you have two teams traveling to the same school, please make sure that they know exactly which team they are to play. (And if you are the host school please make sure you allocate your visitors to their correct opponents!) Every year problems are caused when the wrong teams play each other, so please try to avoid this. WARNING! Each zone has its own scorer please make sure you send your results to the correct scorer for your zone. Refer to the first page ("Introduction") of your draw to find out your scorer's name and address. (Please note that your scorer's job is ONLY to record the scores. Any adjudications, disputes or other problems should be referred to the Director of Play.) AVAILABILITY OF GRADES In some areas there are insufficient entries to form separate divisions for the various grades, and teams have therefore been allocated to combined-grade divisions. Where teams entered as Junior Rookies have had to be combined into general Rookies divisions, schools may either maintain these teams as Junior Rookies teams, as entered, or may include older (above Year 3) players. |