Wednesday 16 April 2025 from 9.30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Expert coaching for boys and girls who are not yet at a very advanced level:

    ●   players who are unrated (usually because they have not played in a rated tournament), and

    ●   players with NSWJCL ratings below 700 (in other words, players who are not yet of a very high standard).

(Other coaching opportunities are available for stronger players – contact us for details or click HERE.)

Coaching for Beginners our coaching clinics include a group for absolute beginners who do not yet know the moves. (Please tell us when booking if the student does not yet play.)

Special All-Girls group – in recognition that some girls prefer the company of other girls.

Eligibility:  Participants must be members of the NSW Junior Chess League and aged under 18 on the day of the clinic. 

For membership details click HERE.

Venue:  North Ryde Community Centre, 201 Coxs Road, North Ryde (between Lane Cove Road and Wicks Road).  See MAP.

•   By train: 1.3km (16 minutes' walk) from Macquarie Park Railway Station [use East exit from station, turn left at top of escalators and proceed south-west along Lane Cove Road, turn left into Coxs Road].

•   By bus: For bus details see MAP.

•   By car: park in Coxs Road or in carpark opposite (limited time parking) or in nearby streets.

Phone: 0403 962 442 (emergency only).

Canteen: available for lunch and light refreshments.

Registration:  9.30 to 9.50 a.m. – coaching begins at 9.50 a.m. and finishes at 3 p.m.
Players must leave or be collected from the venue by 3.30 p.m.

Fees:  $40 for the first child and $30 for each additional child of the same family (brothers and sisters).
(plus late fees if applicable – see below)

Entry Deadline:  Sunday 13 April   

No enrolments will be taken on the coaching day – prior booking is essential to allow us to allocate students into graded groups and arrange for the appropriate number of coaches.

Late Fees:
•   Late Payment Fee ($10 per family) for entries received, but not paid, by the entry deadline;
•   Late Entry Fee ($20 per family) for entries neither received nor paid by the entry deadline (but no entries on the day – see above).  

Please note that although online entries reach us immediately, internet banking payments can take a few days (depending on the bank) and postal deliveries can take from two to five days.

Bookings:  Bookings may be made by one of the following methods:

•   online via our website (see online entry), or

•   by post (see entry form).

Payment may be either:

•   by internet banking (or direct deposit at any branch of the Commonwealth Bank)

        BSB:   062 028  (Commonwealth Bank, Town Hall branch)
   Account Number:   00904158  (NSW Junior Chess League)
It is important that you include a transaction description with the payment to enable us to identify it – we suggest that this be the player's name (surname and given name or initials). Note that long descriptions will be truncated (how much depends on the bank – it can be to as little as 14 characters).

•   by cheque posted with the entry form to NSW Junior Chess League, 2 Northcote Avenue, Killara NSW 2071

     make cheque payable to NSW Junior Chess League; please write player's name on reverse.

Please do not rely on a posted entry for the Coaching Clinic without booking online (or by email) in case it is delayed in the post.

Enquiries:  Eunice Koh, email, or Richard Gastineau-Hills, phone 9498 2760.