(Deferred 2020 Championships)

UNDER 18:  Monday-Friday 18-22 January 2021

UNDER 12:  Wednesday-Friday 20-22 January 2021

LIGHTNING CHAMPIONSHIPS:  Friday afternoon 22 January 2021   [see below]


•   The number of players will be limited by the current COVID-19 restrictions.
Priority for the NSW Junior and NSW Girls Championships will be given to higher rated players
provided they have entered before the entry deadline.
(Note the difference
priority for the Summer One-Day and Two-Day Tournaments will be given to early entries).

•   The number of non-players (parents, etc.) staying at the venue will also be limited.
Some may be asked to leave (or wait outside the hall).

•   The entry deadline has been changed from two to three days before each tournament.

•   COVID-19 precautions will be in place, including

   Frequent sanitising of hands and commonly touched surfaces;

   Appropriate distancing of players;

   Players should refrain from the usual polite custom of shaking hands before and after games. Suggested alternatives are to bow slightly or to wave a hand in a friendly manner (elbow-bumping is not recommended over a chessboard).

Eligibility:  Players must be members of the NSW Junior Chess League and under the age limit (under 18 or under 12) as on 13 July 2020 (Under 18) or 15 July 2020 (Under 12), the dates on which the tournaments were originally scheduled to start before they were deferred. This means that if you have turned 18 (or 12) since then you may still play in the Under 18 (or Under 12).

For membership details click HERE. Please note that membership renewals are due at the beginning of January (if you have already paid your membership fee for 2021, please don't pay again!).

Format:  The Under 18 will be in two divisions:

•   NSW Junior Championship (Title Division) – a 10-player round robin with the highest rated entrants and the winner of last year's Reserves Tournament; and

•   NSW Junior Reserves Tournament – for the remainder of the Under 18 players (the winner will be entitled to play in the Title Division next year).

The Under 12 will be played in one division.

Venue:  North Ryde Community Centre, 201 Coxs Road, North Ryde (between Lane Cove Road and Wicks Road).  See MAP.

•   By train: 1.3km (16 minutes' walk) from Macquarie Park Railway Station [use East exit from station, turn left at top of escalators and proceed south-west along Lane Cove Road, turn left into Coxs Road].

•   By bus: For bus details see MAP.

•   By car: park in Coxs Road or in carpark opposite (limited time parking) or in nearby streets.

Phone: 0403 962 442 (emergency only).

Canteen: available for lunch and light refreshments.

Time:  Registration 9 a.m. on the first day of each tournament.  Play starts at 9.15 a.m. and finishes approximately 4 to 5 p.m.  Participants must leave or be collected from the venue by 5 p.m.

Number of Rounds: 
•   Under 18:  9 rounds (starting 9.15 a.m. and approximately 1.15 p.m.);
•   Under 12:
 10 rounds (4 on the first day, 4 on the second day and 2 on the third day).

Time Limits:  
Under 18:  (digital clocks) 60 minutes plus 40 seconds per move (from move 1);
•   Under 12:  (digital clocks) 30 minutes plus 30 seconds per move (from move 1).

Recording:  All players are required to record the moves during the game.  

Prizes:  Trophies plus prizes in the form of vouchers (to be spent on chess-related items):
•   Under 18:  1st $240, 2nd $140, 3rd $80; Reserves 1st $80 
•   Under 12:  1st $100, 2nd $70, 3rd $50

Entry Fees: 
•   Under 18: $55
•   Under 12: $45
(plus late fees if applicable – see below)

Entry Deadlines:  

•   NSW Junior Under 18 Championship (Title Division) – 6 p.m. Wednesday 13 January (no late entries)

•   NSW Junior Under 18 Reserves three days before the tournament (midnight Friday night 15 January)

•   NSW Junior Under 12 Championship three days before the tournament (midnight Sunday night 17 January)

Because late entries and late payments have been increasingly delaying the start of tournaments we have been forced to strictly enforce entry deadlines and late fees.

Late Fees:

•   Late Payment Fee ($10 per family) for entries received, but not paid, by the entry deadline

•   Late Entry Fee ($20 per family) for entries neither received nor paid by the entry deadline
(no late entries for Under 18 Title Division)

Late entries and late payments delay the start of tournaments – please enter (and pay) beforehand.  If necessary, late entries will be processed after play starts and late entrants (and latecomers even if already entered) will miss the first round. Please note that although online entries reach us immediately, internet banking payments can take a few days (depending on the bank) and postal deliveries can take from two to five days.

Entries:  Entries may be made by one of the following methods:

(1)  online via our website (see online entry), or                      [(1) is preferred]

(2)  by post (see entry form), or

(3)  by email (scan entry form and email to entries@nswjcl.org.au).

Payment may be either:

•   by internet banking (or direct deposit at any branch of the Commonwealth Bank)

     see under online entry for banking details, or

•   by post with entry form to NSW Junior Chess League, PO Box 262, Penshurst NSW 2222

     make cheque payable to NSW Junior Chess League and write player's name on reverse.

Enquiries:  Email Eunice Koh, entries@nswjcl.org.au, or Richard Gastineau-Hills, phone 9498 2760, mobile 0403 962 442.


NSW Junior Lightning Championships

Friday 22 January 2021, starting approximately 1 p.m.

The Lightning Championships will be held in two sections, Under 18 and Under 12,
and will commence after the main tournaments have finished.

Lightning Time Limit:  5 minutes per player for whole game

Lightning Entry Fee:  $2  (enter and pay on the day)