July 20 July 27 August 3
2 v 3 3 v 1 1 v 2
1 v 4 2 v 4 4 v 3
DIVISION M-W1A Previous Round 8 Round 9 Round 10 TOTAL
1. Mona Vale A 27 4 3.5 4 38.5 1st
2. Oxford Falls Grammar A 18.5 1 2 0 21.5
Text Box:  
Teams have been allocated to one of two divisions, A or B, based on their scores in the first seven rounds.
(In the case of a tied fourth place, the tie-break system used is to compare the teams' scores achieved against the top three placed teams and each other.)

The winner will be determined from the total scores over all ten rounds.
3. Manly Vale A 18 3 0.5 1.5 23
4. Beacon Hill A 15.5 0 2 2.5 20
  79 8 8 8 103
July 20 July 27 August 3
5 v 6 6 v 7 7 v 5
8 v 7 5 v 8 8 v 6
DIVISION M-W1B Previous Round 8 Round 9 Round 10 TOTAL
5. St Augustine's B 15.5   4   19.5
6. St Augustine's A 11   3 4 18
7. St John the Baptist A 6.5 4 1   11.5
8. (Bye) 0 0 0 0 0
  33 4 8 4 49
Text Box: WARNING! If you have two or more teams travelling to the same school, make sure they play in the correct combination according to the draw.