July 20 July 27 August 3
1 v 2 2 v 3 1 v 3
3 v 4 4 v 1 4 v 2
DIVISION BM1A Previous Round 8 Round 9 Round 10 TOTAL
1. Hazelbrook B 25 3 3 3 34 1st
2. Hazelbrook C 21 1 4 2.5 28.5
3. Blue Mountains Grammar A 19.5 4 0 1 24.5
4. Blackheath A 18 0 1 1.5 20.5
  83.5 8 8 8 107.5
Text Box:  
Teams have been allocated to one of two divisions, A or B, based on their scores in the first seven rounds.
The winner will be determined from the total scores over all ten rounds.
Text Box: WARNING! If you have two or more teams travelling to the same school, make sure they play in the correct combination according to the draw.
July 20 July 27 August 3
5 v 6 6 v 7 7 v 5
7 v 8 8 v 5 6 v 8
DIVISION BM1B Previous Round 8 Round 9 Round 10 TOTAL
5. Wentworth Falls B 14 4 4 4 26
6. Blue Mountains Grammar E 7.5 0 1.5 4 13
7. Blue Mountains Grammar D 7 4 2.5 0 13.5
8. (Bye) 0 0 0 0 0
  28.5 8 8 8 52.5