NSW Country Junior Championships - Northern Qualifier
(Broadmeadow, 6/12/2020, round robin)


Mikaere Pora won the 7-round round robin with 7/7 but, being already
12 years old, was ineligible for the finals. The three players who tied
for second place with 5/7 then played off to determine the two qualifiers:
Marcus Wells and Maxim Micevski.
Place Name               Loc Club     Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

 1-2  Wells, Marcus      579 20111101 7        27.0  35.0   34.0
      Pora, Mikaere      620 20081111 7        16.0  24.0   28.0
  3   Micevski, Maxim    452 20110517 6        34.0  42.0   34.0
  4   Kelly, Tavish      433 20091203 5        36.0  44.0   32.0
  5   Pu, Tony               20100323 2.5      20.5  28.5   12.0
  6   Kesarwani, Shankin 343 20090514 1.5      21.5  29.5    6.0
 7-8  Yuhas, Marasingha  310 20130821 1        22.0  30.0    6.0
      Zhang, Brian       356 20111123 1        22.0  30.0    4.0

Cross Table

No Name               Loc Total 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   +--Playoff--+

1  Wells, Marcus      579 7     6:W 3:W 2:L 5:W 7:W 4:L 8:W 3:W 4:W  0: 
2  Pora, Mikaere      620 7     8:W 4:W 1:W 3:W 5:W 7:W 6:W 
3  Micevski, Maxim    452 6     7:W 1:L 4:W 2:L 6:W 8:W 5:W 1:L 0:   4:W
4  Kelly, Tavish      433 5     5:W 2:L 3:L 6:W 8:W 1:W 7:W 0:  1:L  3:L
5  Pu, Tony               2.5   4:L 8:W 7:W 1:L 2:L 6:D 3:L 
6  Kesarwani, Shankin 343 1.5   1:L 7:L 8:W 4:L 3:L 5:D 2:L 
7  Yuhas, Marasingha  310 1     3:L 6:W 5:L 8:L 1:L 2:L 4:L 
8  Zhang, Brian       356 1     2:L 5:L 6:L 7:W 4:L 3:L 1:L 
by Swiss Perfect (TM)  www.swissperfect.com