(Wollongong, 24 November 2019)

Matches to select second qualifying players in Under 18 and Under 12
First places already decided on basis of performances in the four seasonal tournaments
(Under 18: Vincent Qiang, Under 12: Quan Nguyen)


Place Name              Feder Rtg Loc Score M-Buch. Buch. Progr.

  1   Pan, Jayden       11        497 2.5       3.0   6.0    6.5  U12 1st
  2   Lamanna, Joshua   15        692 2         2.0   4.0    7.0  U18 1st
  3   Wei, William      10        501 1.5       5.0  10.0    3.5  
  4   Kumaresan, Aditya 14        711 0         6.0  12.0    0.0  

Cross Table

No Name              Loc Total 1   2   3   4  

1. Kumaresan, Aditya 711 0     2:L 2:L 2:- 2:-
2. Lamanna, Joshua   692 2     1:W 1:W 1:- 1:-
3. Wei, William      501 1.5   4:L 4:D 4:W 4:L
4. Pan, Jayden       497 2.5   3:W 3:D 3:L 3:W
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