News Archives for 2019 |
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(10 Dec 2019):
Primary Schools Competition 2019
The state-wide Primary Schools Competition (for teams of four players), which commenced in second term, has at last concluded. Over the last few months the 36 zone winners participated in region finals and the 10 region winners then took part in the inter-region finals to determine the country and metropolitan champions, which then played each other in the NSW final. Several finals matches were delayed by bushfires, which prevented teams from travelling and forced one to withdraw. In the Metropolitan final Emanuel School defeated Neutral Bay Public School while in the the Country final Wollongong Public School defeated St Mary's Primary School Dubbo. In the long delayed NSW final Emanuel School was victorious. Congratulations to the winners and also to all the other finalists for their achievement in reaching the finals. For full details click on "Schools" in the menu at left, then on the Primary Schools Competition's "Draw & Results" and then on "Finals".
(8 Dec 2019):
NSW Country Junior Championships 2019
Vincent Qiang wins Under 18 Title
Quan Nguyen wins Under 12 Title
Vincent Qiang of Wollongong, aged 16, has won the NSW Country Junior Championship, finishing half a point ahead of Matthew Clarke, who had held the title for the past three years.
Vincent Qiang is the winner of this year's Country Player of the Year Award, which is sponsored by the NSWJCL Vice-president Sebastian Jurd.
The Under 12 Championship was won by Quan Nguyen of Wollongong with a score of 9/10, two points ahead of Sarayu Prakashbabu of Dubbo.
For full results click on "Results" in the menu at left.
(1 Dec 2019):
Australian Schools Teams Championships 2019
NSW teams achieved two seconds, a third and a fourth in this year's Australian Schools Teams Championships (ASTC), which were held Canberra on the weekend of 30 November and 1 December. The championships consisted of four divisions, with a total of 24 teams competing.. The winners and the NSW teams' results were:
Secondary Open
Division: 1st Anglican Church Grammar
(QLD), ...,
3rd Sydney Boys High School (NSW)
Secondary Girls Division: 1st Presbyterian Ladies'
College (VIC),
2nd Sydney Girls High School (NSW)
Primary Open Division: 1st Waverley Christian College (VIC),
4th Emanuel School (NSW)
Primary Girls Division: 1st
Mount View Primary School (VIC),
2nd Neutral Bay Public School (NSW)
The following NSW players won board prizes:
Secondary Open Division Board 5: Kerwin Ma
Secondary Girls Division Board 2: Jennifer Wang
Primary Open Division Board 4: Max Tsipris
Primary Girls Division Board 1: Chelsea Huey
For full details click on the link at top right.
(24 Nov 2019):
Primary Schools One-Day Tournaments 2019
This year's series of Primary Schools One-Day Tournaments consisted of 25 district tournaments plus finals. Forty schools took part in the NSW finals, including schools from country areas such as Coonabarabran, Deniliquin, Griffith, Tumbarumba, Newcastle and Wollongong, as well as several teams from the Blue Mountains and the Central Coast. Beecroft Public School won the finals, half a point ahead of Sydney Grammar St Ives and Ironbark Ridge Public School.
For detailed results click on "Schools" (at left) and then on "Results" under the heading "Primary Schools One-Day Tournaments".
(16 Nov 2019):
Country Secondary Schools Competition 2019
Smiths Hill High School wins
Smiths Hill High School from the South Coast Region has won this year's Country Secondary Schools Competition for the third year in a row. Merewether High School from the Hunter Region came second, also for the third consecutive year.
For full details click on "Schools" in the left-hand column and then look under the heading "Country Secondary Schools Competition".
(16 Nov 2019):
Country Secondary Schools Competition 2019
Smiths Hill High School wins
Smiths Hill High School from the South Coast Region has won this year's Country Secondary Schools Competition for the third year in a row. Second was Merewether High School from Hunter Region.
For full details click on "Schools" in the left-hand column and then look under the heading "Country Secondary Schools Competition".
(11 Oct 2019):
City of Sydney Junior Championships 2019
Jack Keating wins Under 18 Championship
Seth Peramunetilleke wins Under 15 Championship
Shaheel Faizal wins Under 12 Championship
Jack Keating continued his recent run of successes by winning the City of Sydney Junior Championship. He scored 6.5 out of 8 and finished a full point ahead of last year's winner Matthew Clarke and Justin Wayne-Lowe.
The Under 15 division was won by Seth Peramunetilleke, who conceded only one draw to finish on 7.5 out of 8.
There was a close finish in the Under 12 division with Shaheel Faizal capturing first place with 9.5 out of 11, half a point ahead of Ralph Tsui.
The three divisions attracted a total of 109 players, which was 13 more than last year.
For full scores click on "Results" in the left-hand column.
(10 Oct 2019):
Spring Tournaments 2019
Jack Keating wins
Sydney Spring One-Day and Two-Day Tournaments
Khaiam Ali wins Orange Spring Under 18 Tournament
Sarayu Prakashbabu wins Orange Spring Under 12 Tournament
Jack Keating has repeated his winter successes by winning both Sydney Spring Tournaments. He won every game in the One-Day Tournament but conceded one game (to Justin Wayne-Lowe) in the Two-Day Tournament.
Khaiam Ali has won the Orange Spring Tournament's Under 18 Division with a clean score of 8 out of 8, a point ahead of James Joseph. The Under 12 Division was won by Sarayu Prakashbabu, who conceded only one draw to finish on 7.5 out of 8.
For detailed scores click on "Results" in the menu at left.
(4 Oct 2019):
NSW Girls Championships 2019
Alaina Vincent wins Under 18 Championship
Chelsea Huey wins Under 12 Championship
The NSW Girls Under 18 Championship has been won by 12-year-old Alaina Vincent. She won all her games except one, a draw with Amanda Cheng. Amanda finished second, one and a half points behind.
The Under 12 Championship was won by Chelsea Huey, who also conceded only one draw and achieved a similar margin of one and a half points. In second place was Chanya Rupasinghe..
For full scores click on "Results" in the left-hand column.
(27 Sept 2019):
Metropolitan Secondary Schools Competition 2019
The 2019 Metropolitan Secondary Schools Teams Competition, which commenced at the beginning of second term, has concluded. The winners of the three grades were as follows:
Senior Grade (Years 11-12): Sydney Grammar School
Intermediate Grade (Years 9-10): Sydney Boys
High School
Junior Grade (Years 7-8): Sydney Grammar School
A total of 302 teams from 80 schools took part in the competition, eight more teams than last year. The teams were divided into four regions and then into divisions of approximately 8 teams. Division winners qualified for knock-out region finals, the winners of which progressed to the inter-region finals in each grade. For full details click on "Schools" in the menu at left.
(15 Sep 2019):
Secondary Schools One-Day Tournament 2019
Sydney Boys High School wins the Terrey Shaw Shield
Sydney Boys High School has won Open Division of the Secondary Schools One-Day Tournament and with it the Terrey Shaw Shield. This was the school's first victory in this event since 1996. Second was North Sydney Boys High, which led throughout the tournament until the last round.
Sydney Boys High School also won the Junior Division (Year 7-9), half a point ahead of Normanhurst Boys High School..
A total of 48 teams from 19 schools participated.
For full scores click on "Schools" in the menu in the left-hand column.
(19 Jul 2019):
NSW Junior Championships 2019
Cameron McGowan retains Under 18 title
Celina Wu wins Under 18 Reserves Tournament
Shaheel Faizal, Aiden Wen and Sayum Rupasinghe tie for first in
Under 12 Championship
Sixteen-year-old Cameron McGowan has won the NSW Junior (Under 18) Championship by the same one-and-a-half-point margin with which he won the title last year. Jack Keating and Matthew Clarke shared second place.
The Under 18 Reserves Tournament was won by fourteen-year-old Celina Wu, who finished half a point ahead of Yifu Wu and Winston Zhao Chen.
The Under 12 Championship ended in a three-way tie between Shaheel Faizal, Aiden Wen and Sayum Rupasinghe. A playoff for the title will be arranged.
Full details may be found by clicking on "Results" in the menu at left.
(18 Jul 2019):
Winter Tournaments 2019
Jack Keating wins
Sydney Winter One-Day and Two-Day Tournaments
Sarayu Prakashbabu wins Orange Winter One-Day Tournament
The Sydney Winter One-Day Tournament has been won by 15-year-old Jack Keating. After winning his first eight games he agreed to a quick draw in the final round to secure first place, half a point ahead of Autumn One- and Two-Day winner Kerry Lin.
Jack Keating also won the Sydney Winter Two-Day Tournament. Despite a loss (to Yifu Wu) and a draw he finished a full point ahead of the next highest scorers, Justin Wayne-Lowe and Celina Wu.
The Orange Winter One-Day Tournament attracted 56 players and was won by nine-year-old Sarayu Prakashbabu, repeating her wins of last winter and summer. She scored 8 out of 8 and finished one and a half points ahead of Kajan Kandeepan. They were declared the Under 12 and Under 18 winners respectively.
For detailed scores click on "Results" in the menu at left.
Enter now for the remaining winter school holiday tournaments – see "Coming Events" in the menu at left.
(15 June 2019):
NSWJCL Showcase – Westfield Chatswood
The NSWJCL is holding a showcase event at Westfield Chatswood on Saturday and Sunday 29-30 June, similar to the popular showcase we held in 2016. Included will be the Westfield Chess Challenge (or rather two, one on each day) – these are blitz (lightning) tournaments for our more experienced juniors (invitation only) – but there are plenty of activities for others.
For details click on "Coming Events" in the menu at left.
(26 Apr 2019):
Autumn Tournaments 2019
Braiden Cox and Liam Lightfoot tie for first in
Newcastle Autumn One-Day
Kerry Lin wins Sydney Autumn One-Day and Two-Day Tournaments
James Joseph wins Orange Autumn One-Day Tournament
The Newcastle Autumn One-Day Tournament resulted in a tie for first place between 14-year-old Braiden Cox and 12-year-old Liam Lightfoot. They drew with each other and won all their other games.
Sixteen-year-old Kerry Lin has won the Sydney Autumn One-Day Tournament with the convincing score of 9 out of 9. He finished one and a half points ahead of 11-year-old Sayum Rupasinghe. Kerry's previous victories include last year's Autumn and Winter One-Day Tournaments.
Kerry repeated his success by winning the Autumn Two-Day Tournament, also with a perfect score, 11 out of 11. Second was Mittun Sudhahar from Tamworth, who scored 10 out of 11 (losing only to Kerry) – this was Mittun's first Sydney tournament, but he had previously won last year's Orange Spring Tournament with a clean score.
The Orange Autumn Tournament was won by James Joseph with a score of 7.5 out of 8. He finished a point ahead of Nikhil Reddy, who was the top Under 12 player.
For detailed results click on "Results" in the menu at left.
(24 Feb 2019):
Summer Tournaments 2019
Jason Pan and Jack Keating tie for first in
Sydney Summer One-Day
Sarayu Prakashbabu wins Orange Summer One-Day Tournament
Cameron McGowan wins Sydney Summer Two-Day Tournament
Vincent Qiang wins Wollongong Summer One-Day Tournament
The Sydney Summer One-Day Tournament resulted in a tie for first place between 12-year-old Jason Pan and 14-year-old Jack Keating. This was Jason's best result to date, but Jack had already starred by winning last year's NSW Reserves Championship.
In the Orange Summer Tournament Sarayu Prakashbabu repeated her Winter Tournament victory with the same score, 7 out of 8.
Newly crowned Australian Under 16 champion Cameron McGowan conceded only half a point to win the Sydney Summer Two-Day Tournament, with Kerry Lin half a point behind him.
Vincent Qiang has achieved his twelfth win of a Wollongong seasonal tournament and did so with a clean score, 7 out of 7.
For detailed results click on "Results" in the menu at left.
(22 Jan 2019):
Australian Junior Championships 2019
NSW players win six of the twelve main titles
NSW had its best results for many years at the Australian Junior Championships, which have just concluded in Sydney. The championships were held at Trinity Grammar School, which proved an ideal venue for the nine-day event, and attracted 362 entries from 334 players in the main tournaments, plus more in the Lightning (Blitz) and Problem Solving Competitions.
The title winners included the following NSW players:
● Under 18 Open: Sterling Bayaca
● Under 16 Open: Cameron McGowan
● Under 14 Open: James Spencer
● Under 12 Open: Seth Peramunetilleke
● Under 10 Open: Aiden Wen
● Under 8: Girls: Chanya Rupasinghe
Another NSW player, Alaina Vincent, won the Under 14 Girls Championship, but was ineligible for the title.
The new Australian Junior Champion, Sterling Bayaca, had a particularly impressive win, scoring 8.5 out of 9 and finishing 2 whole points ahead of his nearest rival.
For details, including scores, see the Australian Junior Championships link (at top right) or use the direct link