[Essential links]  [International Websites]  [Commercial Organisations]  [Publications & News]  [Playing Servers]  [Software]  [Federations]  [Australian Web Pages]

Essential links!:
New South Wales Chess Association - Local (adult) tournaments and news
Australian Chess Federation - Our fearless leaders who believe in truth, justice and the Aussie way!
FIDE (Fédération Internationale des Échecs - the World Chess Federation) - The wide world of chess
The Week in Chess - An absolute must visit site for the latest news. Also for downloading the latest games!
ChessBase - The best chess software and it's where you can download ChessBase light 6 for free.
Chess Cafe - A great site with very interesting contents: book reviews, tournament reports, stories, tournament calendar, etc.

International Websites:
Chess Curiosities - Tim Krabbe's Chess Website full of unusual and beautiful things
GM Alex Baburin's website - Home of the popular Coffee Break Chess columnhttp://www.gmsquare.com/

Car Games: Chess - a good list of website resources on different aspects of chess

Commercial Organisations:
Australian Chess Enterprises - Sydney based chess goods
Chess World - A Melbourne based company

The Laws of Chess - Fide's official rules of Chess (see under Section E.01)
The Week in Chess - An absolute must visit site for the latest news. Web leader
Chess Cafe - Drop in here and peruse all that is on offer, great fun
NewInChess - This Dutch publication is probably the most interesting chess magazines in English. This site has an excellent 'Links' section.
Chess Monthly - A very informative magazine, one of the best in English.
British Chess magazine - This is probably the longest established chess periodical in the world. The site offers news, book reviews, etc.
Oceania Chess - Gary Bekker's site. A good calendar of international events for Australians

Chess playing servers:
Internet Chess Club - Largest Chess club in the World! Everyone comes here, Grandmasters to novices. You can play but you can also watch!

Chess software:
SwissPerfect - ACF endorsed swiss pairing software free ACF licences to member clubs/schools
Swiss-Sys - Swiss pairing software
Good Move! - Chess teaching program for schools and students
Chess Mentor - Interactive learning programme
University of Pittsburgh  Databases of everything you couldn't imagine

Federations and Associations:
FIDE (Fédération Internationale des Échecs - the World Chess Federation) - See how truly international chess is!
Australian Chess Federation - Australian (and international) news, events, games - and more!
New South Wales Chess Association - Local tournaments and news
New South Wales Junior Chess League - The largest junior organisation in Australia!
Correspondence Chess League of Australia - Tournaments by mail or e-mail
New Zealand Chess Federation - Local tournaments and news



NSW Chess Association - our local adult chess association
North Sydney Leagues Chess Club - The best (adult) chess club in Sydney!
St George Leagues Chess Club - Or is this one the best?
Manly Warringah Leagues Chess Club
Mingara Chess Club
Newcastle District Chess Association (including Cardiff, Newcastle and Oasis clubs)
Albury Chess Club

Directory of ACT Chess Clubs
ACT Junior Chess League

ANU Chess Club  
Belconnen Chess Club  
Tuggeranong Chess Club 
Canberra Chess Club (see ACT directory)
Norths Junior Chess Club (see ACT directory)
Souths Junior Chess Club (see ACT directory)
Street Chess (see ACT directory)

Chess Association of Queensland
Gardiner Chess
Suncoast Chess Club

South Australian Chess Association
South Australian Junior Chess League

Tasmanian Chess Association

Chess Victoria (Victorian Chess Association)
Victorian Chess Pages  
Melbourne Chess Club
Box Hill Chess Club
Elwood Chess Club
Warnambool Chess Club
Albury Chess Club - (Albury-Wodonga)

Chess Association of Western Australia
Metro Chess Club

Home page to add?  Cool site to link to?  Dead links?  Any enquiries to the webmaster