Monday-Wednesday 6-8 January 2025


Wednesday 15 January 2025


Wednesday-Thursday 22-23 January 2025

The One-Day and Two-Day tournaments are intended for all levels of players, especially those who might not be ready to play at the slower time limits and higher standards expected in our more serious tournaments, such as the New Year Tournament. The New Year Tournament is especially recommended as a "warm-up" for players who will be participating in the Australian Junior Championships in Perth later in January.

Format:  Each tournament will be run in one open section suitable for all ages (under 18). You play all rounds (it is not a knock-out) and you play someone with a similar score to yours. This means that after the first round or two you will be meeting players of approximately the same ability as yours.

Eligibility:  Players must be members of the NSW Junior Chess League and aged under 18 as on the first day of the tournament.
For membership details click HERE. Please note that membership renewals are due at the beginning of January (if you have already paid your membership fee for this year, please don't pay again!).

Venue:  NEW VENUE Ku-ring-gai Town Hall, 1186 Pacific Highway, Pymble. See MAP.
The Town Hall building is an imposing Spanish-style former church. See PHOTO.

By train: 6-minute walk from Pymble Railway Station cross the highway safely via the pedestrian underpass at the railway station on emerging from the underpass tunnel turn left and circle anti-clockwise up to the highway and then walk uphill.

By car: approach via highway (only from the south) and enter the driveway just before the Town Hall – plenty of parking at rear.

Phone: 0403 962 442 (emergency only).

Canteen: available for lunch and light refreshments.

Time:  Registration 9 a.m. on the first day of each tournament.  Play starts at 9.30 a.m. and finishes by approximately 4.30 p.m. for the New Year Tournament and by 3:30 p.m. for the One- and Two-Day Tournaments.Players must leave or be collected from the venue within 30 minutes of those finishing times.

Number of Rounds:  New Year: 9 rounds (3 each day); .One-Day: at least 7 rounds, probably more;  Two-Day: at least 9 rounds, probably more (over the two days); 

Time Limits:  New Year: 30 minutes plus 30 seconds per move (from move 1); .One-Day: 15 minutes per player per game;  Two-Day: 30 minutes per player per game; 
Players unfamiliar with chess clocks will be given guidance and practice before play starts.

Recording of Moves:  Mandatory in the New Year Tournament; optional in the others..

Prizes:  There will be trophies for the first three places and the highest placed girl plus some age awards.

Entry Fees:  New Year: $60;  One-Day: $25;  Two-Day: $45;  (plus late fees if applicable – see below)

Entry Deadline:  three days before the tournament.

Because late entries and late payments have been delaying the start of tournaments we have been forced to strictly enforce entry deadlines and late fees.

Late Fees: 
•   Late Payment Fee ($10 per family) for entries received, but not paid, by the entry deadline
•   Late Entry Fee ($20 per family) for entries neither received nor paid by the entry deadline

Please enter (and pay) beforehand.  If necessary, late entries will be processed after play starts and late entrants (and latecomers even if already entered) will miss the first round.Please note that although online entries reach us immediately, internet banking payments can take a few days (depending on the bank) and postal deliveries can take from two to five days.

Entries:  Entries must be made by one of the following methods:

(1)  online via our website (see online entry), or

(2)  by post (see entry form).

Payment may be either:

•   by internet banking (or direct deposit at any branch of the Commonwealth Bank)

        BSB:   062 028  (Commonwealth Bank, Town Hall branch)
   Account Number:   00904158  (NSW Junior Chess League)
It is important that you include a transaction description with the payment to enable us to identify it – we suggest that this be the player's name (surname and given name or initials). Note that long descriptions will be truncated (how much depends on the bank – it can be to as little as 14 characters).

•   by cheque posted with the entry form to NSW Junior Chess League, 2 Northcote Avenue, Killara NSW 2071

     make cheque payable to NSW Junior Chess League and write player's name on reverse.

Enquiries:  Eunice Koh, email, or Richard Gastineau-Hills, phone 9498 2760 or 0403 962 442